Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Bollywood Quiz

Hello peeps. Every Wednesday there will be a new quiz question up on my blog. The person(s) who answers the question correctly will be featured on my blog and will get a special mention on Twitter. If you are on Twitter then please do let me know your username. You will have one week to answer the question. Winners will be announced every Friday.

This week' question: 

My debut film became a hit overnight.
I am a big fan of Alfred Hitchcock. My favorite actor is Dilip Kumar. I love Tennis and am a big fan of Roger Fredrer.
My ancestors are from Afghanistan.
Who Am I?

P.S Please try not to Google the answer ! This is a way to test your own bollywood knowledge. :)

Answer: Amir Khan 

Bollywood Deewana is the winner and will get a special mention on my Twitter account. :)

1 comment:

  1. Could it be Aamir Khan? Aamir Khan because i know he's a big fan of Dilip Kumar


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